
Today Unprom prep was very, very quiet. I figured it was the day after classes slump and took the time to catch up on computer research for the timeline, LEARN business in general, and a few chores that were lurking on the horizon. Kristen and Lydia arrived at noon and chose to sit outside in the beautiful Fall weather and began adding color to the clocks.

We are going for the play on words "time flies when you're having fun". There is always tomorrow, there is always a chance that we can make the wings look more wingish, and of course there is always glitter. But right now the more appropriate saying would be "time flies when you have big ears." Please give us a break when you see the clocks, Or better yet, please give us an idea for transformation of this anatomical calamity.

Carolyn and I took advantage of the quiet time used it to expand our research into a hunt for cheap posters. We found a slew on Amazon but if it looks too good to be true... Just because a poster sells for $.08 doesn't mean that this will be the actual cost of course.

We had hoped that several posters from the same retailer would give us a price break for shipping...nope. An $.08 poster only sells for $.08 if they charge you full price on s&h. We bought several knowing they would add alot to the decorations and we will stick with the original plan of make photocopies, enlargements, and original work to represent the bulk of the entries.

When Kristen and Lydia headed for home Jaya and Liz took over. They took adding color to their lives very seriously.

I love the process of Unprom prep. I love the days of chaos and productivity and I cherish the quiet time with individuals where I get to learn about what they value in this activity.

I met Liz when she was still a babe in arms and she has literally cut her teeth on this process. Jaya and Liz are two amazing young Goo+ women who bring creativity and a very strong work ethic to prep. Having them join me in the quiet spaces of the day was a very special gift.