The quiet of Monday was replaced by the hum of sewing machines and the happy sounds of productivity. The bags had been screened and heat set so it was time to start the construction process. Ann, Claudia, and Monica started sewing and the bags look fantastic. They are sure to be favorites and a nice break from the tote bags we have done for so long. I'll say no more so that I won't spoil the surprise for those who prefer a mystery.
Sponge painting the volcano quickly became sponge painting each other. Creative license takes all forms, right?
Liz and Victoria started adding paint to one of the Dr. Seuss entries for the timeline. Liz is planning to contribute several pieces in honor of the 50+ years of writing that Dr. Seuss has given to the world. Liz and I share a love for all things Seussish. I can't wait to see what she chooses to present.
We are big Dr. Seuss fans out here at the tiny farm. One of our favorite car games is reciting the ABC book one page at a time. Each player takes a turn reciting the rhyme that he wrote for each letter. I never get tired of that book, or many of his others. What does it say that I am 49 years old and one of my favorite books is by Dr. Seuss?
And now to bed. Sweet dreams all...
Big D, little d, David Donald Doo, dreamed a dozen donuts, and a duck dog ,too